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 Title: What Does Changing 30 kms of the Wall’s Path Really Mean??

What Does Changing 30 kms of the Wall’s Path Really Mean??

Name: Motaz Abuthiab
Txt: What Does Changing 30 kms of the Wall's Path Really Mean??

Latest News, PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, July 6th, 2004

This map shows the different, “alternative routes” of sections of the originally planned Wall around the North West Jerusalem villages affected by the recent Israeli High Court ruling:

1- The Apartheid Wall around these villages was planned by the Occupation military in a way that isolates large areas of lands that belong to these villages. It also surrounds them, separating them from Jerusalem and closes them off from Ram and the main road to Ramallah. By Cutting these villages off from Jerusalem and leaving them only a tenuous long linkage to Ramallah, it will mean that the Wall will severely hinder people‘s access to their markets and services in Jerusalem and Ramallah, inducing unsustainable transportation and transaction costs.

2- This map features the “alternative” wall route that was proposed by the retired generals (CPS) (2). This “alternative” Wall route shows that Occupation Forces may not annex Mount Maqtam and Sheikh Zeitun, which would therefore leave Beit Inan and Betunia with some of their lands for cultivation. This “alternative” wall route would also keep Beit Iksa linked to the other villages within the walled area.

3- The map also shows the Wall route as suggested by the village petitioners to the Occupation High Court (3). This Wall's route accommodates all of the existing illegal settlements and much of their planned expansion. It closely follows the line suggested at the Taba talks, which is utterly disadvantageous for Arab Jerusalem and its surroundings.

4- The last important feature on the map indicates the likely scope for an adapted Wall route (red arrows) which would probably meet the criteria of ‘proportionality' set out by the Occupation's High Court in causing Palestinian damages.

The Map illustrates the limitations of only a local community based challenge of the Wall by the proposed “alternative” routes of the Wall.

The Court took SELECTIVE considerations – in proportion to the standards they set - for the villages cultivated lands ending up behind the Wall. It also understood concerns that the Wall would seriously hinder Palestinian road links. However, the Court has now instructed Occupation Army Planners to project an alternative Wall Route that would address ONLY these particular issues, and ONLY in this particular section of the Wall. Thus, the Occupation Court concluded that the only things to be taken into consideration were that some cultivated lands and some linkage to Ramallah be left for Palestinians.

However, the Court's decision will only address the impact of the Wall on these issues in proportion to their standards, that is to say, to a LIMITED degree. The result will most probably mean that the route of the Wall will follow that represented by the red arrows on this map, and will probably be accompanied by some new “alternative” road links, such as the recently constructed Rafat Tunnel.

This means that from the perspective of Palestinian National interests, the most damaging consequences of the Wall remain unconsidered by the Occupation Court.

The Apartheid Wall, in all three “alternative” routes will still severely constrict residential and commercial development of villages and hinder access to cultural-historical-religious sites (for instance: Nabi Samwil). At the same time, these routes also annex all of the settlements in the area, leaving them the space needed for expansion – mainly Giv'at Ze'ev - which would take place on primary Palestinian natural and cultural-historical landscapes (Nabi Samwil Hill Ridge, so-called Ayalon Valley by the Occupation Forces). At the same time, it eliminates the possibility for urgently needed urban development of Metropolitan Arab Jerusalem, the best opportunities for which are located around Bir Nabala and directly south of Ramallah.

This map, in outlining these possible “alternative” routes of the Wall reveals that the case is no more than an attempt by the Occupation Judicial system to enable Israel to portray the “new” Apartheid Wall as “fairly and proportionately” accommodating Palestinian damages in return for “security”.

However, in reality, the court's decision conceals the geo-political drive behind the Wall, which is aimed at accommodating large-scale settlement expansion, while putting Palestinians into ghettos.

Url\Email: http://stopthewall.org/latestnews/632.shtml
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 Title: Israeli invasions wreak death and havoc

Israeli invasions wreak death and havoc

Name: Motaz Abuthiab

A nine-year-old Palestinian boy has been shot dead by Israeli troops during a military invasion into the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah.

Umar Muhammad Abu Zraihan was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital after being shot in the head during the early morning incursion in the Brazil neighbourhood, witnesses said.

Around 15 armoured vehicles had entered Rafah, which was the scene of a major Israeli offensive around a month ago.

It was a day marked with many invasions and much violence as a 26-year-old member of the Palestinian movement Hamas was shot dead in clashes with Israeli troops taking part in a major offensive in the northern Gaza Strip, medical sources said on Thursday.

Ismail Nabhan was killed in exchanges of fire around Jabalia, next to the town of Bait Hanun, where soldiers are involved in a large-scale invasion.

Wednesday night gunfight

He was killed in a gunfight on Wednesday night but his body was not delivered to the local hospital until Thursday morning.

The latest deaths bring the overall toll since the September 2000 outbreak of the Palestinian intifada to 4,140, including 3,145 Palestinians and 923 Israelis, according to an AFP count.

In Nablus, residents said troops moved again into the city's old town, or casbah, closing its entrances and taking over a number of houses in a search for Palestinian fighters.

And in Jericho, hundreds of Israeli occupation troops, backed by tanks, armoured personnel carriers and helicopter gunships, stormed the small Palestinian town, according to witnesses.

Streets, infrastructure destroyed

Jericho City officials told Aljazeera.net on Thursday that tanks were destroying street embankments and infrastructure and helicopters were hovering over the city.

"They came to terrorise the city, it seems they can't bear seeing Palestinians enjoy any modicum of quiet or have some mental equanimity," said Wisam Shweiky, a spokesman for the Jericho municipality.

He said Israeli soldiers were arresting local youths on suspicion of association with Palestinian resistance groups as snipers were posted on strategic rooftops overlooking main streets.

Unconfirmed reports spoke of between 30-40 Palestinians arrested throughout the city and at least one house badly damaged.

The army reportedly isolated the oasis border town, cutting it off from other towns and villages.

Traffic at stand-still

Traffic to the nearby border-crossing between Jordan and the West Bank was also brought to a halt as a result of the early morning invasion.

Israel tightly controls all border-crossings to and from the West Bank, barring hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from travelling abroad.

An Israeli army spokesman said the "foray" in Jericho was aimed at apprehending "possible terrorists," a reference to Palestinian resistance activists fighting Israel's decades-old occupation of Palestine.

The Israeli army, which reoccupied all former Palestinian autonomous enclaves in the West Bank more than two years ago, carries out routine and almost daily invasions of Palestinian population centres, often terrorising inhabitants and disrupting their daily life.

The Israeli army insists the operations, usually accompanied by intensive firing from heavy machine guns and loud explosions, are aimed at arresting or assassinating suspected guerillas.

Excessive force used

However, Israeli sources have recently revealed that the army resorted to using excessive and disproportionate power against Palestinian residential areas for the purpose of "burning into their consciousness" and "making them internalise their weakness and come to terms with Israeli strength and superiority."

On Wednesday, the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported that much of army "activities" against Palestinians had no "operational or professional justification" and that their main goal was to inflict suffering on ordinary civilians for the purpose of bringing the Palestinian society to its knees.

In this context, it was also revealed that the Israeli army fired more than 1,300,000 bullets and projectiles on Palestinian towns and villages in the first few days of the intifada.

Israel also used F-16s fighter jets, apache helicopter gunships, dart bombs and other kinds of lethal and deadly weapons against Palestinian population centres, killing thousands and maiming more.

The excessive use of power against the mainly unprotected and defenceless Palestinian population centres played a decisive role in the growing human bombing phenomenon.

Bomber's motivation

Last year, a study published by the Israeli army concluded that Palestinian bombers were motivated more by Israeli repression than by religious zeal.

The Jericho invasion coincides with a large Israeli army operation in northern Gaza where Israeli bulldozers reportedly uprooted and utterly destroyed thousands of citrus and olive trees, thus denying many Palestinian farmers of the main source of their livelihood.

The Israeli army routinely resorts to collective punishments when Palestinian resistance groups carry out attacks inside Israel.

Since the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, the Israeli army has destroyed over half a million Palestinian trees, creating what a former British politician called, ‘environmental genocide’.

The former official, Ian Gilmor, who served in the Margaret Thatcher government, expressed his shock at seeing the scope of destruction committed by the Israeli army.

"The Israelis used to boast of turning the desert into bloom. Now they can boast of reducing the previously blooming Palestinian orchards and fields to desert," said Gilmor.

Url\Email: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/A6A7348B-2BF4-4918-A8EE-16E6DB261993.htm
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 Title: concentrate _ "NO WAR"

concentrate _

Name: Motaz Abuthiab
Txt: nc
Url\Email: http://www.aljedar.org
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 Title: Justice


Name: Motaz Abuthiab
Txt: "Je n'accepte pas cette idée de deux parties qui ont raison. La justice ne lutte pas contre la justice. Il n'y a qu'une justice."

Mahmoud Darwish

Url\Email: http://www.aljedar.org
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 Title: Make Love not war

Make Love not war

Name: Motaz Abuthiab
Txt: --------------------------
Url\Email: http://www.aljedar.org
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