Kufia, 100 matite per la Palestina | BLOG |

Kufia, 100 matite per la Palestina | BLOG |



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Kufia | Visual blog for Palestine

A collection of images, artworks and words is opens to every contribute from world wide, collectives and individuals, as supporting tool to "Kufia project - 100 disegnatori per la Palestina" (100 illustrators for Palestine). The goal of these pages is the comparison, the harvest of ideas, projects that are supporting the palestinian struggle for self-determination.

You can add this project publishing your own artworks or words, spreading around the url, telling it to your friends.


{Italian here}



  Network for Kufia

 Inguine.net | Main
 Ubq.it | Blog
 HateTv.it | Music
 Designradar.it | Action

A visual blog for Palestine.
Questa raccolta di immagini e parole, aperta ai contributi di tutti gli utenti, gruppi e sensibilità diffuse, è un supporto al progetto Kufia, 100 disegnatori per la Palestina.
Lo scopo di queste pagine è il confronto, la raccolta di idee, spunti, progetti che sostengano la lotta di autodeterminazione del popolo palestinese.

Potete partecipare al progetto pubblicando le vostre immagini e parole, diffondendo questo url, parlandone con amici e invitandoli a partecipare e sostenere.


{English here}


Publish Archive The project Contacts Credits

 Title: Stop Caterpillar

Stop Caterpillar

Name: gianluca costantini
Txt: Join Jewish Voice for Peace, SUSTAIN (Stop US Tax-Supported Aid to Israel Now), the US Campaign to End Israeli Occupation, and Progressive Portal in holding the Caterpillar Corporation accountable for the criminal use of its products by the Israeli army. Forcing a major corporation to publicly acknowledge Israel's violence toward civilians will raise public awareness about the nature of Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands and the role of the United States in supporting it. Write the Caterpillar board of directors to ask that Caterpillar stop selling its D9, D10, and D11 bulldozers to Israel.

Since 1967 Israel has used Caterpillar bulldozers to demolish nearly 9,000 Palestinian homes, leaving more than 50,000 people homeless. Since the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising in September 2000, Israel has razed the homes of 12,737 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In the past two years the Israeli army deployed Caterpillar bulldozers to uproot 200,000 Palestinian olive trees. In April 2002 Caterpillar D9s demolished an entire neighborhood in the Jenin refugee camp. Rachel Corrie, an American peace activist, was murdered by a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer on March 16, 2003 as she nonviolently tried to prevent it from destroying a Palestinian home in the Gaza Strip. Caterpillar profits from Israel's construction of a 25 foot high wall and fence that will confiscate approximately 40 percent of the West Bank under the guise of enhancing Israeli security. The wall separates Palestinians from their farmlands and cuts some villages off from the rest of the West Bank, rendering as many as 100,000 people completely isolated.

Url\Email: http://www.gianlucacostantini.com
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 Title: Israele e il Diritto Internazionale:un ossimoro. 5

Israele e il Diritto Internazionale:un ossimoro. 5

Name: Gianluca Costantini
Url\Email: http://www.operazionecolomba.org
Comments: 1  \   New comments

 Title: Israele e il Diritto Internazionale:un ossimoro. 4

Israele e il Diritto Internazionale:un ossimoro. 4

Name: Gianluca Costantini
Url\Email: http://www.operazionecolomba.org
Comments: 0  \   New comments

 Title: Israele e il Diritto Internazionale:un ossimoro. 3

Israele e il Diritto Internazionale:un ossimoro. 3

Name: Gianluca Costantini
Url\Email: http://www.operazionecolomba.org
Comments: 0  \   New comments

 Title: Israele e il Diritto Internazionale:un ossimoro. 2

Israele e il Diritto Internazionale:un ossimoro. 2

Name: Gianluca Costantini
Url\Email: http://www.operazionecolomba.org
Comments: 0  \   New comments


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