Kufia, 100 matite per la Palestina | BLOG |

Kufia, 100 matite per la Palestina | BLOG |



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Kufia | Visual blog for Palestine

A collection of images, artworks and words is opens to every contribute from world wide, collectives and individuals, as supporting tool to "Kufia project - 100 disegnatori per la Palestina" (100 illustrators for Palestine). The goal of these pages is the comparison, the harvest of ideas, projects that are supporting the palestinian struggle for self-determination.

You can add this project publishing your own artworks or words, spreading around the url, telling it to your friends.


{Italian here}



  Network for Kufia

 Inguine.net | Main
 Ubq.it | Blog
 HateTv.it | Music
 Designradar.it | Action

A visual blog for Palestine.
Questa raccolta di immagini e parole, aperta ai contributi di tutti gli utenti, gruppi e sensibilità diffuse, è un supporto al progetto Kufia, 100 disegnatori per la Palestina.
Lo scopo di queste pagine è il confronto, la raccolta di idee, spunti, progetti che sostengano la lotta di autodeterminazione del popolo palestinese.

Potete partecipare al progetto pubblicando le vostre immagini e parole, diffondendo questo url, parlandone con amici e invitandoli a partecipare e sostenere.


{English here}


Publish Archive The project Contacts Credits

 Title: Abdel Latif

Abdel Latif

Name: *
Txt: On Thursday 29 July 2004, the Israeli army arrested Abdul Latif Gheith,
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Addameer Prisoners Support and Human
Rights Association, at Qalandiya military checkpoint. Mr. Gheith, 63 years
old, was attempting to cross Qalandiya military checkpoint at approximately
2 PM when he was arrested by Israeli soldiers positioned at the checkpoint. (...) Addameer demands the immediate release of Abdul Latif Gheith, and all
administrative detainees who continue to be held without charge or trial,
and for the Israeli Occupation Authorities to immediately cease their
systematic use of arbitrary detention.

Url\Email: http://www.addameer.org/press/04aug04.html
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